Saturday, February 4, 2012

Want to see a F-16 pilot dodge Iraqi SAM launchers? Yes please.


Amazing! You can skip to 3:00 when it starts or skip to 4:20 to see when things get really hot. Skip to 5:15 for the heat of it all. I have to say what skill on the pilots part. You can really tell what he is dealing with the tone of his voice and his breathing.

If you want the full account click the link below and skip to "Day 3"

Link here

In case you did not know what a SAM Launcher is, you can click below for pictures and some info on it.

Surface to Air Missile



  1. that so awesome fair play to the chap... ahrd to make out what was going on but you really got the sense with the audio.

  2. Wow, and it looked like at least one SAM exploded right in front of him (to his left a little).

  3. That is one pretty skilled pilot.

  4. That was intense. He dodged 6 missiles? Now that's badass.

  5. Even I can't do that in ACX. Damn good guy.

  6. Woah that's some insane skill, and being able to keep cool in that situation, just mind blowing.

  7. That dude probably never doesn't have a boner after that...I know I wouldn't.

  8. Man... Jet pilots are nut.

    I would love to fly one of those things (preferably an F-22), but I'm not so keen on having missiles fired at me.

  9. I need one of those.

  10. Thats interesting, haven't seen anything like this before

  11. I bet doing this stuff all day makes normal living pretty boring.

  12. Wow.. dat skills :) He's very good..

  13. worst part is we probably made and gave them that SAM system

  14. I was just thinking about my father's army parachute that I would use as a blanket, then I hit this cool vid. Thanks for reinforcing a great childhood memory!

  15. wow I'm glad there are guys like him taking those chances

  16. That video is really impressive- I doubt I'll do anything anywhere near that impressive ever.

  17. It's like watching Macross in real life!!!
