Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bullies and thugs getting their asses kicked. Videos.

It's always good to see the bad guy getting what he deserves. So sit back and enjoy these videos of douche-bags getting their shit handed to them. The videos are relatively short.

We all know this one im sure.


Here is one with a security guard and a man who was harassing a woman.


This one is pretty good. 4 guards vs 4 drunk idiots.


Gulf war veteran vs some punk. Veteran really did try to stay calm..oh well.


Lol Ex-Boxer vs guy punching random people.


Turkish Boxer vs 4 men lol 


Pimp gets knocked out by Karate instructor


Fiance drops 3 men who assaulted his wife


Guy pulls gun on skater, gets beat up. Skip to 1 minute.


Not to sure what happened in that video but it looks like the man who pulled the gun started it.

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed the videos. And let this be a lesson to any of you people who like to fuck around with others. You just know what they might capable of.

So what do you guys think? Leave a comment below.


  1. I love it when bad guys lose!

  2. I watched the first several and will no doubt watch the rest now too. These are awesome, thanks Dread!

  3. I think that fighting is barbaric. BUT if you are being bullied PHYSICALLY and need to defend yourself, you best let lose.

  4. I think you missed the one where an old guy beats up a 20-something kid in the bus. Still, awesome!

  5. My favorite was the gulf war vet. That guy did his best to remain calm and that punk picking on him finally got what he deserved. Teach him for picking on our military!!

  6. not seen that last one before... wow,, gets the adrenaline going :)

  7. Gulf war veteran vs some punk was my favourite! The vet even looked shocked when that punk fell back after one punch!

  8. Don't mess with me guys... I took Tae Kwon Do from ages 9-10

  9. frustrating how sometimes you have to drop the hammer on shit bags.

  10. totally going to watch all of these when I'm not sitting in a classroom hahaha :D

  11. I love it when so called "Tough guys" get their asses handed to them and really loved the guy who stood up for his woman like that.

  12. I love the second video! The security guy just went for it!

  13. God I love that turkish one, that never gets old. The Gulf war vet one was pretty damn funny, and the last one was pretty intense.

  14. dang that gulf war veteran dude has way more patience than me! crazy stuff!!

  15. It's always fun seeing bullies get their asses kicked.

  16. I was just talking to some people about some of these videos earlier today.
    Good post :-)

  17. The bully in the first video was kinda retarded. Why the hell would he pick on someone much bigger than him? Is his ego that huge?

  18. I wish they all happened this way. One for the good guys!

  19. Yea, the veteran was awesome. This is how it should be, going in to a fight only when it's the last option. Well done!

  20. The first, the russians, the guy defending his girl, and the veteran, were the best. F/ck those weak loosers, who have nothing better to do than bullying others, just so they can look highly in their own eyes.
