Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Food police reject preschooler's homemade lunch... in favor of chicken nuggets

Police State 0.1.6 pre-alpha test build

A little girl in preschool in North Carolina was told after inspection that her lunch was "not healthy enough" and was instead given chicken nuggets..


So what could the mother of the girl have given her to make the school food police step in?

Try a turkey sandwich, with whole wheat bread mind you, banana, apple juice, and a bag of chips.

The mom of the girl said that she packs her lunch around what the girl eats and always has a fruit in it because she eats them. She serves the vegetables at home where she can make sure she eats it because she isn't a fan of them.

When her lunch was taken away, regardless of what school lunch had along with the chicken nuggets, she ended up only eating that. No fruit not anything. Just the chicken nuggets.

So in the schools attempt to make sure she had a healthy meal, she ended up having a nutritionally worse one. Go figure. 

The Department of Health and Human Services requires students to eat lunches that consist of meat, milk, grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables. So looking at what the mom packed, and what the school served, and what she actually ended up eating, do you think her lunch was not good enough?

And who is the school to decide anyway?

On top of all that, they sent with the girl and her rejected lunch a bill of $1.25 for the lunch she barely ate that the school made her eat.

So what do you guys think? Leave a comment below.

Article here 


  1. Oh, hell NO! Since when do the schools have a say over what children eat and how the fuck can processed chicken nuggets be healthier than a turky sandwich and fruit? What utter bullshit! No wonder obesity is such a problem. This is exactly how eating disorders start. Ask me, I should know!

    1. If the opposite of pro is con, then is the opposite of progress congress?

      Speaking of congress, didn't they not to long ago make it official that pizza is now a vegetable?


      America is doomed.

    2. If that was my kid whose lunch they took away, I would've been in that school and in their face. Where the hell do they get off snatching a child's food and replacing it with that fake chicken crap? Probably getting kickbacks from MCDs. They need to stop selling that greasy garbage in schools and truck in fresh fruits and veggies EVERY DAY to include in the school lunches. All their bitching about child obesity! Why do these dumasses THINK kids are obese--they live on crazy processed fast food, if you can even call it FOOD. That stuff is cheap and real food is expensive by design. The parents who used to be home cooking healthy meals now are out working all kinds of crazy hours. We are seriously FKKKD up in this country.

  2. Sounds really funny, nice post!

  3. Man I love the crappy nuggets .
    But yeah, the kids are eating shit for lunch these days.
    Actually, they have been eating crap since I was a kid.
    People don't seem to remember when they said ketchup was a vegetable as well.

  4. The world is going to hell in a handbasket.

  5. The problem with that is its obvious the school did that soley so the parent would have to but the crap food from the school and make them money.

    The school doesn't care about the kids health they just wanna make cash!

    (also milk isn't actually healthy for people to drink, people just think it is cause of out dated info and the dairy companies promoting it.)

    1. Milk promoting your auto immune disorders since, well.. since forever

  6. Oh come on! What her mum packed her was just perfect for her. So it was missing one piece of fruit, so what? It's way better than chicken nuggets and if that's all she ate, then it's pretty damn stupid.

  7. Say what?!

    A) Did they give the mother money back for trashing the original lunch? B) I don't see what was so unhealthy about her meal!!!! C) This is against everyone's natural born rights!! We were born with the right to eat what we want for lunch?!?!

    I'm annoyed.

  8. Aww.... You got me all hungry now! :D

  9. I'm homeschooling my kids (if I ever have them) after reading this post. Seriously. The school system is completely batty.

  10. It sounds like the board of education and the lunch maker's guild decided to become gestapo. It's a sad day when the congealed grease inside the crunchy breading of a nugget constitutes as two servings of vegetables.

  11. Lol personally I'd prefer the chicken nuggets but that's not the issue here :P ...This is pretty ridiculous! Poor mom who spent all that time making her child's lunch...and poor kid forced to eat processed crap.

  12. you see that's precisely why I got fed up with all the BS in schools, punched my principal in the face and took my G.E.D. so I could get into college a year early
    it actually turned out better for me than I'd expected

    I'd sue the school, I really would, and I'd win because of all the different ways I could sue them for the same thing
    who the hell are they to say what my kid eats? How dare they substitute a healthy meal for that garbage making my kid starve or risk their health and then sending me the bill for their mistake etc

    rage man, total complete blind rage

  13. And people wonder why I homeschool...

  14. lol wut?
    I wonder if the teacher just fancied the sandwiches and so 'confiscated' them

  15. What the f*cking f*ck?

  16. i was unaware a school could mess with a kid's lunch from home. Oh well, the school could at least have thrown some pizza in there to cover her for vegetables.

  17. The lunches they serve in schools should be healthy. Period. Chicken nuggets, healthy? I don't think so. But I really don't like the idea of anyone going through the kids' lunches they bring from home. WTF??

  18. Unbelievable! Just another reason my kid does not go to public school.

  19. So this supposedly occurred in North Carolina but it was only reported in the U.K.? Something about this sounds suspicious to me.

  20. That is crazy they used to beat kids in public school now if theres one too many pieces of meat in their sandwich they get scolded!

  21. Since when where schools allowed to tell you what you can and can't eat? Ridiculous.

  22. The hell? The least healthiest a thing in that lunch is the chips, and those are miles healthier than school chicken nuggets. That's bogus.

  23. Wait what, you mean chicken nuggets AREN'T Healthy?! Gosh darnit, McDonalds has fooled me again!

  24. that's... so.. stupid... couldn't they have just let her eat what she had and given her a vegetable in addition to it...?

  25. What the hell!? School tells you what to eat now? What kind of world is this?

  26. If it were my kid, I have two words. LAW SUIT
