Friday, February 10, 2012

Martial Art "master" of Aikido gets ass kicked in real martial art fight

Ha. This is great.

This is the master and his magical techniques on his students

Ok ok ok ok ok..Maybe this is real I mean..YOU'RE not a Aikido master..but yeah lets see how he does against some one really trying to fight him


Thought I would share. Enjoy.


  1. He dropped that boy like a cheap hooker.

  2. You wanna see something weird. Look up Steven Seagal on The Merv Griffin Show.
    He was younger,and beating the crap out of a kid for the show.
    I don't know how that guy got famous.
    Good Post!

  3. I really dont understand why is he a master. I mean, he cant fight!

  4. Haha, irony slaps him right in the face :P

  5. What the hell was he doing in the first video!! His students are as deluded as he is. Not surprised his hand waving didn't work in a real fight!

  6. I laughed so loud I felt bad. LOL

  7. The difference between fake martial arts and real martial arts.

  8. Hahhahahaha what a shame. He looked to be working some nice magic in the first one.

  9. Ah yes, saw this a long time ago. However, you should mention this is Daitoryu-Aikido, not normal Aikido. Normal aikido is about how to defend from an attacker, while daitoryu-aikido is about how to bullshit your way to trying to do something useful with your pathetic existence. Just a heads up ;).

  10. Since I feel a need to relate all martial arts based activities to the Karate Kid movie I have to ask why the guy in black didn't switch to the crane technique?

  11. Akido is great for getting you in shape, if you stick with it you will be nice and lean, with great muscle tone. but dont try to use it as a weapon, you will get beat!

  12. It's somehow funny how the young guy apologises over and over again for one lucky punch, but in the end he punch-kicks the master without any regret. Seems like he met the one guy who's immune to his mystic skill.
